January 23, 2025


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Plagiarized Articles at the Online Encylopedia of Philosophy? (up to date)

Plagiarized Articles at the Online Encylopedia of Philosophy? (up to date)

Mark Thakkar (St. Andrews) suggests he has learned plagiarism in all-around 40 content articles in the World wide web Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Plagiarized Articles at the Online Encylopedia of Philosophy? (up to date)

In a thread posted on Twitter past night, Dr. Thakkar wrote:

There are ≥40 plagiarized content in the Online Encylopedia of Philosophy (@iephilosophy). I know this thanks to a chance discovery by @InnocentOP, who spotted that the Augustine entry was lifted from the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Spiritual Awareness (1908–12).

Ditto English Deism, French Deism, Denis Diderot, Emanation, Encyclopedists, Immanuel Hermann Fichte, William Hamilton, Karl Robert Eduard Von Hartmann, Claude Adrien Helvetius, Renaissance Humanism, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Peter Lombard, William Paley, William Warburton.

A 16th entry lifted from the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Awareness (1908–12) was replaced by a truly first short article in 2017, but the plagiarized edition is nevertheless accessible on the IEP website: iep.utm.edu/aquinas-iep/.

10 entries can be traced to Harper’s Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1896), often with supplementary substance from an additional supply: Damon, Democritus, Demonax, Diogenes Laertius, Hippias, Menippus, Roman Philosophy, Symposium, Theophrastus, Timon.

4 entries are plagiarized from Sorley’s A Heritage of British Philosophy to 1900 (1920): Edward Herbert of Cherbury, Thomas Henry Huxley, Shadworth Hodgson, Leslie Stephen. The past of these also usually takes materials from the Dictionary of National Biography (1912).

The other 10 are from resources together with Baldwin’s Dictionary of Philosophy & Psychology (1902) and Burnet’s Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato (1914): Euclides, Leucippus, Peripatetics, Prodicus, Pyrrho, Pythagoras, Stilpo, James Hutchison Stirling, Synderesis, Voluntarism.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy promises to be peer-reviewed, but some of its content have had only cosmetic adjustments since the 18th century (a person repeat resource getting William Enfield’s Heritage of Philosophy, a 1791 translation of Brucker’s 1767 Historia Critica).

I was ready to determine these plagiarized entries simply because they ended up all labelled with “The author of this write-up is nameless. The IEP is actively trying to get an writer who will create a replacement posting.” I really a great deal hope this indicates the higher than listing is exhaustive.

No doubt Prof. James Fieser, the founder of the IEP (@iephilosophy), will be capable to identify the plagiarist(s) liable. I’m also tagging Michael Dougherty (@MVDougherty123), who warrants to be superior acknowledged as a tireless opponent of plagiarism in educational philosophy.

I have an inquiry out to the editors of the IEP asking about this, and I’ll update this article when they react. In the meanwhile, have you occur throughout other content in the IEP that surface to be plagiarized? Allow us know.

(by means of Catarina Dutilh Novaes)

UPDATE (2/10/22):  James Fieser (University of Tennessee at Martin), founder and editor of the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, despatched the subsequent response:

I welcome this prospect to remedy thoughts about the IEP’s “proto articles”. Our source came online in 1995, and, for much of that time, the IEP “About” web page contained the following statement:

“Most of the articles in The IEP are unique contributions by specialized philosophers these are identifiable by the author’s title at the foot of the report. Others are temporary, or “proto article content,” and have mostly been adapted from more mature resources. They are identifiable by the inclusion of the initials “IEP” at the close and will in time be changed by primary content articles.” (net.archive.org/world-wide-web/20120502084107/http://www.iep.utm.edu:80/property/about/)

All these older resources have been printed reference functions in the public area. In 2012, all through the standard program of updating our web site, this assertion was eliminated. However, the present-day IEP “Submissions” page however features the next reference to the proto posts:

“Authors may well also supply to substitute any IEP proto-posts, which are identifiable by the inclusion of the initials “IEP” alternatively than a person’s name at the foot of the article.” (iep.utm.edu/post)

Although these proto posts have ably served the philosophical local community about the many years, we are utilizing this situation to bid farewell to the remaining kinds.


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